Certificate in
Digital Marketing

Highlight the benefits of obtaining a Certificate in Digital Marketing, such as increased job opportunities, higher salary potential, and the ability to stay competitive in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

Ravi Sarin Film Institute

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Certificate in
Digital Marketing

Provide tips and resources for those interested
in pursuing a Certificate in Digital Marketing,
including information on reputable programs,
study materials, and exam preparation strategies to
help them succeed in their digital marketing career.
job opportunities, higher salary potential, and the
ability to stay competitive in the ever-evolving digital landscape
Ravi Sarin Film Institute

Key Learnings

  • How to create paid online marketing campaigns
  • Understanding the usage of different analytical tools
  • Learn to measure consumer's digital behavior
  • Handling live social media campaigns
  • Understanding different digital channels
Ravi Sarin Film Institute

Course Projects

Project 1

Learn how to increase website ranking using SEO techniques

Project 2

Advertising on search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo

Project 3

Optimizing social media and building good brand image

Project 4

Creating ads for various social media channels

Project 5

Tracking visitors on website with Google Analytics

Project 6

Portfolio Development

Ravi Sarin Film Institute

Our Syllabus

  • Understanding digital marketing process
  • Website design and development
  • Social media marketing
  • Lead Generation
  • Mobile Marketing
  • Whats App Marketing
  • Converting traffic into leads
  • Data Automation and Analytics
  • E-commerce